Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

jurnal enterpreneur

Prof. Hans Crijns
Sabine Vermeulen
November 2007
Knowledge partner
Flanders District of Creativity is the Flemish organization for entrepreneurial creativity. It
was founded in 2004 by the Flemish Government as a non-profit organization and enjoys broad
support. Flemish businesses, academia, and public institutions use Flanders DC as a platform
for cooperation in the pursuit of a more creative Flanders region.
Creativity is the key ingredient in making companies more successful and in helping regional
governments ensure a healthy economy with more jobs. Flanders DC inspires creativity and
1. by learning from the most creative regions in the world,
2. by igniting creative sparks in everyday life and business, and
3. by providing research, practical business tools and business training, in cooperation with
the Flanders DC Knowledge Center.
1. Districts of Creativity: Inspiration from the most creative regions
Responses to global challenges are best found within
an international network of excellence. With the single
aim of learning from the very best, Flanders DC aims
to unite the most dynamic regions in the world
within the 'Districts of Creativity' network. Every
two years, Flanders DC convenes the Creativity World Forum, bringing together government
leaders, entrepreneurs, and knowledge institutions to exchange ideas about how to tackle
pressing economic problems and make their regions hotbeds for innovation and creativity.
November 15-16, 2006 - Ghent, Belgium
Rhône-Flanders Baden-Württemberg
*: Candidate members
Flanders Baden-Württemberg
*: Candidate members
2. Raising awareness: The best way to predict the future is to invent it
Flanders DC encourages entrepreneurs and citizens to
look ahead and find creative solutions today for tomorrow's
problems. Flanders DC has developed an idea-generation tool
to encourage people and organizations to take the first step
toward innovation. In addition, Flanders DC runs a general
awareness-raising campaign entitled “Flanders’ Future”.
3. The Flanders DC Knowledge Centre: Academic support
The Flanders DC Knowledge Center serves as a link between Flanders
DC and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. Each year, the
Flanders DC Knowledge Center publishes several reports and develops
various tools, case studies and courses. All these projects focus on the
role of creativity in a business environment and identify obstacles to, and
accelerators of, competitive growth.
The Creativity Talks − brief monthly, interactive info sessions − update you on these research
activities. See www.creativitytalks.be for a current calendar and subscription information.
Geert Devos, Mieke Van De Woestyne, Herman Van den Broeck
Februari 2007
ISBN-NUMMER : 9789080712195
EAN : 9789080712195
Research reports:
 De Vlaamse economie in 2015: Uitdagingen voor de toekomst, Koen De Backer en Leo
Sleuwaegen, September 2005, Published in Dutch
 Ondernemingscreativiteit als motor van groei voor Vlaamse steden en Brussel, Isabelle
De Voldere, Eva Janssens en Jonas Onkelinx, November 2005, Published in Dutch
 The Creative Economy: challenges and opportunities for the DC-regions, Isabelle De
Voldere, Eva Janssens, Jonas Onkelinx en Leo Sleuwaegen, April 2006, Published in English
 Spelers uit de televisiesector getuigen: een verkennende studie in de creatieve industrie,
Marc Buelens en Mieke Van De Woestyne, Juni 2006, Published in Dutch
 Mobiliseren, dynamiseren en enthousiasmeren van onze (toekomstige) zilvervloot,
Thomas Dewilde, Annick Vlaminckx, Ans De Vos en Dirk Buyens, Juni 2006, Published in
 Development of a regional competitiveness index, Harry Bowen, Wim Moesen and Leo
Sleuwaegen, September 2006, Published in English
 Innovation outside the lab: strategic innovation as the alternative, Marion Debruyne and
Marie Schoovaerts, November 2006, Published in English
 De creatieve industrie in Vlaanderen, Tine Maenhout, Isabelle De Voldere, Jonas Onkelinx
en Leo Sleuwaegen, December 2006, Published in Dutch
 Het innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s, Geert Devos, Mieke Van De Woestyne en
Herman Van den Broeck, Februari 2007, Published in Dutch
 Creatief ondernemen in Vlaanderen, Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx en Hans Crijns, Maart
2007, Published in Dutch
 Hoe ondernemers in Vlaanderen opportuniteiten identificeren. Een rapport met tips
en tools voor de ondernemer in de praktijk, Eva Cools, Herman Van den Broeck, Sabine
Vermeulen, Hans Crijns, Deva Rangarajan, Mei 2007, published in Dutch
 Networking in multinational manufacturing companies, Ann Vereecke, July 2007, published
in English
In addition to these research projects, the Flanders DC Knowledge Centre has also developed
the following tools and training sessions:
 Ondernemen.meerdan.ondernemen, an online learning platform
 Creativity Class for young high-potentials
 Flanders DC Fellows, inspiring role models in business creativity
Published research reports can be downloaded via the Vlerick Leuven Gent
Management School library catalogue or via www.flandersdc.be.
industry-science relations (auteurs: Johan Bruneel, Bart Clarysse,
Morray and André Spithoven), December 2006
praktijk. Een praktijkboek voor de Vlaamse ondernemer. (auteurs:
Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine Vermeulen en Deva Rangarajan)
capacity of multinational companies in Flanders (auteurs: Ann
Vanpoucke), December 2006
grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Geert Devos, Mieke Van De
den Broeck), Februari 2007
auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx en Hans Crijns), Maart 2007
ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht via het online leerplatform
en Herman Van den Broeck), April 2007
auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse and Wim Van Haverbeke),
really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert Weijters), September 2007
foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Bowen, Juan Enrique Gutierrez
and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari 2006)
from Auckland on Creative Problem Solving, September 2006
Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als rolmodel. Eerste lichting December
Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit en innovatie. September
van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
- Knowledge networks in industry-science relations (auteurs: Annelies Maesen, Nathalie Morray and André Spithoven), December - De ondernemer in de praktijk. Een praktijkboek voor de Vlaamse Herman Van den Broeck, Eva Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine Vermeulen - Networking and innovation capacity of multinational companies Vereecke and Evelyne Vanpoucke), December 2006
- Het innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Woestyne en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- De case Arteconomy (auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman Van - Creatief ondernemen (auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx - De creativiteit en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht (auteurs: Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), April - Open innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse July 2007
- How innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert - Flanders’ attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Chavez, Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
- Flanders DC & Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari - Rob Dew, Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative Problem - Scholarships for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Flanders DC Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als 2006.
- Creativity Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit 2006 tot Mei 2007.
De partners en leden van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
- Knowledge networks in industry-science relations (auteurs: Johan Annelies Maesen, Nathalie Morray and André Spithoven), December 2006
- De ondernemer in de praktijk. Een praktijkboek voor de Vlaamse Herman Van den Broeck, Eva Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine Vermeulen en - Networking and innovation capacity of multinational companies Vereecke and Evelyne Vanpoucke), December 2006
- Het innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Geert Woestyne en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- De case Arteconomy (auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman Van den - Creatief ondernemen (auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx en Hans - De creativiteit en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht via (auteurs: Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), April 2007
- Open innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse July 2007
- How innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert Weijters), - Flanders’ attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Bowen, Chavez, Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
- Flanders DC & Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari - Rob Dew, Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative Problem Solving, - Scholarships for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Flanders DC Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als rolmodel. 2006.
- Creativity Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit 2006 tot Mei 2007.
De partners en leden van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
- De creativiteit en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht via het online leerplatform
(auteurs: Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), April 2007
- Open innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse and Wim Van Haverbeke),
July 2007
- How innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert Weijters), September - Flanders’ attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Bowen, Juan Enrique Chavez, Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
- Flanders DC & Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari 2006)
- Rob Dew, Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative Problem Solving, September - Scholarships for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Flanders DC Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als rolmodel. Eerste lichting 2006.
- Creativity Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit en innovatie. September
2006 tot Mei 2007.
De partners en leden van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
- Knowledge networks in industry-science relations (auteurs: Johan Bruneel, Bart Clarysse,
Annelies Maesen, Nathalie Morray and André Spithoven), December 2006
- De ondernemer in de praktijk. Een praktijkboek voor de Vlaamse ondernemer. (auteurs:
Herman Van den Broeck, Eva Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine Vermeulen en Deva Rangarajan)
- Networking and innovation capacity of multinational companies in Flanders (auteurs: Ann
Vereecke and Evelyne Vanpoucke), December 2006
- Het innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Geert Devos, Mieke Van De
Woestyne en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- De case Arteconomy (auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- Creatief ondernemen (auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx en Hans Crijns), Maart 2007
- De creativiteit en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht via het online leerplatform
(auteurs: Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), April 2007
- Open innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse and Wim Van Haverbeke),
July 2007
- How innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert Weijters), September 2007
- Flanders’ attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Bowen, Juan Enrique Gutierrez
Chavez, Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
- Flanders DC & Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari 2006)
- Rob Dew, Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative Problem Solving, September 2006
- Scholarships for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Flanders DC Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als rolmodel. Eerste lichting December
- Creativity Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit en innovatie. September
2006 tot Mei 2007.
De partners en leden van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
- Knowledge networks in industry-science relations (auteurs: Johan Bruneel, Bart Clarysse,
Annelies Maesen, Nathalie Morray and André Spithoven), December 2006
- De ondernemer in de praktijk. Een praktijkboek voor de Vlaamse ondernemer. (auteurs:
Herman Van den Broeck, Eva Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine Vermeulen en Deva Rangarajan)
- Networking and innovation capacity of multinational companies in Flanders (auteurs: Ann
Vereecke and Evelyne Vanpoucke), December 2006
- Het innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Geert Devos, Mieke Van De
Woestyne en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- De case Arteconomy (auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- Creatief ondernemen (auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx en Hans Crijns), Maart 2007
- De creativiteit en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht via het online leerplatform
(auteurs: Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), April 2007
- Open innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse and Wim Van Haverbeke),
July 2007
- How innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert Weijters), September 2007
- Flanders’ attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Bowen, Juan Enrique Gutierrez
Chavez, Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
- Flanders DC & Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari 2006)
- Rob Dew, Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative Problem Solving, September 2006
- Scholarships for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Flanders DC Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als rolmodel. Eerste lichting December
- Creativity Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit en innovatie. September
2006 tot Mei 2007.
De partners en leden van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
networks in industry-science relations (auteurs: Johan Bruneel, Bart Clarysse,
Maesen, Nathalie Morray and André Spithoven), December 2006
ondernemer in de praktijk. Een praktijkboek voor de Vlaamse ondernemer. (auteurs:
den Broeck, Eva Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine Vermeulen en Deva Rangarajan)
and innovation capacity of multinational companies in Flanders (auteurs: Ann
Evelyne Vanpoucke), December 2006
innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Geert Devos, Mieke Van De
Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
Arteconomy (auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
ondernemen (auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx en Hans Crijns), Maart 2007
en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht via het online leerplatform
Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), April 2007
innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart Clarysse and Wim Van Haverbeke),
innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne and Bert Weijters), September 2007
attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Harry Bowen, Juan Enrique Gutierrez
Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November 2008
Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met 19 Februari 2006)
Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative Problem Solving, September 2006
for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers als rolmodel. Eerste lichting December
Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit en innovatie. September
van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
Herman Van den Broeck, Eva Cools, Hans Crijns, Sabine - Networking and innovation capacity of multinational companies Vereecke and Evelyne Vanpoucke), December 2006
- Het innovatieproces in grote bedrijven en KMO’s (auteurs: Woestyne en Herman Van den Broeck), Februari 2007
- De case Arteconomy (auteurs: Steven Mestdagh en Herman - Creatief ondernemen (auteurs: Tine Maenhout, Jonas Onkelinx - De creativiteit en ondernemingsgezindheid in kaart gebracht (auteurs: Veronique Warmoes en Herman Van den Broeck), - Open innovation in Europe (auteurs: Els Van de Velde, Bart July 2007
- How innovative are we really? (auteurs: Marion De Bruyne - Flanders’ attractiveness for foreign investment (auteurs: Chavez, Isabelle De Voldere and Leo Sleuwaegen), November Kennisverspreiding
- Flanders DC & Vacature Winter Academy (16 tot en met - Rob Dew, Visiting professor from Auckland on Creative - Scholarships for the Master Class in Entrepreneurship and - Flanders DC Fellows: Creatieve en innovatieve ondernemers 2006.
- Creativity Talks. Maandelijkse sessies over ondernemingscreativiteit 2006 tot Mei 2007.
De partners en leden van de raad van bestuur van Flanders DC zijn:
Board of Directors
of Flanders DC

The goal of this project is to examine, explain and discuss the behaviour and intentions of
students in their decision to start entrepreneurial activities and to found an enterprise. This report
has been written as part of an international research project − called “International Survey on
Collegiate Entrepreneurship” (ISCE) − which is investigating Academic Entrepreneurship. The
project is coordinated on an international level by the Swiss Research Institute of Small Business
and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen (KMU-HSG) together with the KfW Endowed
Chair for Entrepreneurship at the European Business School (EBS). The project is coordinated on
a national level by the Centre of Entrepreneurship at Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.
We are very thankful to the participating universities/colleges in Belgium, namely Ghent University,
the University of Antwerp, EHSAL, Université de Liège and FUNDP Namur. Without the concerted
efforts of these universities/colleges and their representatives, the project would not have been
realized to the current level.
We hope that this project will provide students, authorities, professors, teachers and service
providers with a wealth of ideas, impulses and motivations to help develop a real entrepreneurial
spirit amongst academics.
1    Introduction 1 0
1 .1    Entrepreneurship and economic growth 1 0
1 .2 Entrepreneurship: a matter of learning? 11
1 .3 Entrepreneurship and education 1 3
1 .4 Entrepreneurship and higher education 1 5
1 .5 Policy and initiatives 1 6
1 .6 Reasons for a study on how “collegiate entrepreneurship” 1 7
2 Methodology 20
2.1    Goals of the study 20
2.2 Significance of the study 22
2.3 Sample and representativeness 24
3 Conditions at institutions of higher education 28
3.1    Entrepreneurial environment 28
3.1.1 International comparison 28
3.1.2 Detailed results for Flanders 29
3.2 Activities students would like to see offered at universities 31
4 Entrepreneurial activities and goals    34
4.1    Professional expectations of students 34
4.1.1 International comparison 34
4.1.2 Detailed results for Flanders 35
4.2 Current entrepreneurial activities and intentions of students 37
4.2.1 International comparison 37
4.2.2 Detailed results for Flanders 38
4.3 Businesses established by students 39
4.4 Intention of students to establish a business 40
4.4.1 Activities in relation to establish a business 40
4.4.2 Possible time frame for establishing a business 43
4.4.3 Details of potential business establishments 44
5 Obstacles for establishing a busines    48
5.1    International comparison 48
5.2 Detailed results for Flanders 49
6 Conclusions    54
6.1    Important findings of this study 54
6.2 What can be done? 55
Table 1: Participating countries and response rate 22
Table 2: Structure of the samples in country comparison 23
Table 3: Main subject studied by students 24
Table 4: At which university/technical college are you studying? 25
Table 5: Rankings of expected entrepreneurial position 34
Table 6: Have you personally ever concretely thought about building up your
own self-employed entrepreneurial existence, i.e. being self-employed? 38
Table 7: Businesses established by students 39
Table 8: Potential business formations by students 45
Figure 1: Can entrepreneurship be taught? 11
Figure 2 : Where should entrepreneurship be taught? 1 2
Figure 3: Correlation between educational attainment and high-potential TEA
for all participating GEM countries (De Clercq et al, 2002) 1 3
Figure 4: Education level versus TEA 1 4
Figure 5: Scores of Flemish key informants on separate items of Education and Training 1 5
Figure 6: Framework of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 21
Figure 7: Framework of this study 21
Figure 8: How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business
at your university/ college? 28
Figure 9: No entrepreneurship-related courses offered 29
Figure 10: Non-attendance of entrepreneurship-related courses 29
Figure 11: How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your
university/ college? Results compared amongst institutions of higher education 30
Figure 12: How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your
university/ college? Results compared amongst study areas 30
Figure 13: Support students would like to see offered at universities 32
Figure 14: Activities after graduation 35
Figure 15: Average of job expectations following graduation in Flanders 36
Figure 16: Entrepreneurial activities and intentions of all students 37
Figure 17: Partners of business founders 40
Figure 18: Students taking no specific steps to establish a business 41
Figure 19: Information gathering for establishing a business 42
Figure 20: Preparatory steps for establishing a business 43
Figure 21: Time frame for establishing a business 44
Figure 22: Partners for potential business founders 46
Figure 23: Obstacles compared internationally 48
Figure 24: Obstacles for establishing a business in Flanders 50
Figure 25: Obstacles for establishing a business compared amongst study areas 51
Figure 26: Did you grow up in an entrepreneurial family? 61
Figure 27: The feelings they connect with their family business 62
l 10
While most studies focus on the number of firms that are created, the Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor (GEM) gives us a good indication of how many individuals are actively involved in
starting a company or have recently started a company. However, entrepreneurial activity in
Flanders seems to be quite low in comparison with other countries worldwide (GEM, 2002 –
2005). According to GEM 2006, the Flemish and Belgian TEA (Total Entrepreneurial Activity)
remains seriously below the EU average of 5.01%). At this moment, Flanders and Belgium
are falling in the ranks of the 16 participating EU countries and even of the 49 participating
countries worldwide. That is, the Flemish TEA decreased even further from 3.71% in 2005 to
3.05 % in 2006, indicating that only 3 out of 100 people in the labour force are actively involved
in starting up a company or have started up a company recently.
Assuming that entrepreneurs are not born but made (studies have shown that people who have
had entrepreneurship training are twice as likely to start a company), it is crucial to encourage
entrepreneurship at the individual level. This project will provide insight into how entrepreneurial
Flemish students (with a higher education) are, and which policy measures need to be taken
to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit and to further support the start-up of new companies in
1.1. Entrepreneurship and economic growth
The degree of entrepreneurship has an important influence on the economic prosperity of a
region or country. New and growing companies are vital to economic prosperity: they increase
an economy’s innovative capacity, they anticipate market demands, they challenge existing
companies to function more efficiently, and – last but not least – they create new business
activities and therefore new jobs. Entrepreneurship induces economic growth because new
ventures raise the competitiveness of a sector, region or country.
A good example that illustrates this is Silicon Valley in the United States where, through innovative
entrepreneurship, a region blossomed into a hotbed of high-tech activity. Research states that
4000 new companies have originated here, creating 1.1 million jobs (Steffenson et al, 1999). The
success of Silicon Valley has spurred an increased interest in entrepreneurship over the past
twenty years.
An increase in the degree of entrepreneurship is the result of push-factors such as (imminent)
unemployment and the anticipation of economic recovery. The degree of entrepreneurship is
always coupled to the prosperity of an economy. High prosperity stimulates (pull) people to start
a company themselves, while low prosperity forces (push) people to start a company themselves.
The concepts ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘prosperity (economy)’ are inseparable (Zwart, 2005).
Recent research shows that more than half of the newly created jobs result from newly founded
companies (Verhoeven et al, 2005). Moreover, new entrepreneurs with new insights prod existing
companies into greater alertness, so that they do not lose market share or even entire markets.
This phenomenon corresponds with Schumpeter’s theory of ‘creative destruction’.
l 11
1.2. Entrepreneurship: a matter of learning?
It is not our intention to launch a new definition of ‘entrepreneurship’ within the framework of this
research project. However, from a literature survey, it can be concluded that the term concerns:
 entrepreneurs
 entrepreneurial behaviour
 entrepreneurship
 entrepreneurial process
A clear, generally accepted definition and description of the term “entrepreneurship” is lacking
in Flanders. This could possibly disrupt the dialogue and policy discussions, since it is unclear in
which aspects of entrepreneurship, and to what extent, education can play a role. Moreover, terms
such as “entrepreneurship”, “entrepreneurial behaviour” and “entrepreneurial society” aren’t
value-free, and ideological differences can therefore hinder the policy measures concerning
Furthermore, the question is whether or not entrepreneurship can be taught. From the European
Commission’s Eurobarometer (2001), we can see that the points of view vary significantly by
country, region or culture (see Figure 1). Of all the persons interviewed in Belgium, the majority find
that entrepreneurship can be partially learned. While some are convinced that entrepreneurship
can absolutely be learned, others say that it can absolutely not be learned.
Figure 1    Do you (strongly) agree or (strongly) disagree with the following opinion?
Entrepreneurship cannot be taught.
There is also some disagreement about this proposition within the educational institutions as
well. Even if entrepreneurship can be (partially) learned, the question is when, where and how
this should be done. With regard to the question where it should be learned, Belgians apparently
l 12
find that the period during higher education (along with specific courses for adults) is the most
suitable time for students to learn about entrepreneurship (see Figure 2).
Figure 2 Where should entrepreneurship be taught?
It is obvious that, if Flanders wants to evolve into a more entrepreneurial, creative and knowledgedriven
society, the educational system must play a decisive role. The pretext for entrepreneurship
differs according to educational level. Overall, there are three aspects:
1 Creating awareness
Every student needs to be taught the importance of, and the contribution of, entrepreneurship to
the society and the economy. Students become aware of the possibilities that entrepreneurship
offers and of entrepreneurship as a career path.
2 Stimulating a positive attitude and characteristics with respect to entrepreneurship
The character traits generally associated with entrepreneurship include: creativity, risk-taking,
audacity, ambition, perseverance, decisiveness, reliability, determination, efficiency, empathy,
criticalness and persuasiveness.
3 Training entrepreneurial skills
Students are given the opportunity to become acquainted with the different aspects that are
necessary to experience entrepreneurship. The competencies students need to learn certainly
include: business planning, financial management, market analysis, entrepreneurial management,
negotiation skills, knowledge of ICT, etc. The teaching of these skills can be regarded as the
preparation students require to become entrepreneurs themselves.
l 13
1.3 Entrepreneurship and education
The annual GEM research clearly indicates that the early educational situation remains one
of Flanders’ significant problem areas, in that it hinders the birth and growth of new ventures.
Education and training refers to the extent to which the educational and training systems, at all
levels (from primary and secondary school to university and business school), deal with creating
or managing an independent new or growing business. (De Clercq et al, 2002)
It is also important to examine the role of a country’s overall educational attainment (assessed, for
example, by the percentage of the population that is enrolled in post-secondary education). The
2002 results for all GEM countries showed a significant positive correlation between a country’s
level of educational attainment and the prevalence rate for high-potential ventures (see Figure
3). The inference is that businesses with a high potential for market expansion and job growth
may be more likely to flourish in countries with highly-educated people.
Figure 3 Correlation between educational attainment and high-potential TEA for all
participating GEM countries (De Clercq et al, 2002)
Belgium (including Flanders) is a-typical when it comes to educational attainment: the proportion
of individuals enrolled in post-secondary education is relatively high compared to other countries.
However, although it is one of the front-runners in educational attainment, the prevalence rate for
high-potential entrepreneurship is relatively low.
Figure 4 compares the education level of people within the GEM 2006 sample who are
involved in total entrepreneurial activity (TEA) (n = 51) and people who are not involved in total
entrepreneurial activity (n = 1952). This figure shows that 51% of the people involved in total
entrepreneurial activity hold a higher educational degree (i.e., a college or university degree).
Furthermore, the proportion of people with a higher educational degree is greater for people
involved in total entrepreneurial activity. The largest difference seems to occur for people holding
a university degree.
l 14
Figure 4 Education level versus TEA
It is not encouraging that Flanders scored low in terms of the attention devoted to entrepreneurship
in higher education (see Figure 5). The assessment in absolute scores is (still) not positive, but,
compared to Western European countries, Belgian key informants gave relatively comparable
scores to the “higher education” questions.
On the other hand, the key informants felt that the overall level of business and management
education in Belgium had improved compared to previous years. The good score in terms of
management and business education is also evidenced by the key informants’ assessment of
item 5 in Figure 5.
l 15
Figure 5 Scores of Flemish key informants on separate items of Education and Training
(De Clercq et al, 2002)
Legend: 2 = Completely agree; 0 = Neither true nor false; -2 = Completely disagree
1: In my country, teaching in primary and secondary education encourages creativity, selfsufficiency,
and personal initiative.
2: In my country, teaching in primary and secondary education provides adequate instruction in
market economic principles.
3: In my country, teaching in primary and secondary education provides adequate attention to
entrepreneurship and new firm creation.
4: In my country, colleges and universities have enough courses and programs on entrepreneurship.
5: In my country, the level of business and management education is truly world-class.
1.4 Entrepreneurship and higher education
The institutions of higher education in Flanders have great freedom in the structuring and
development of their curricula. As a result, there is a great diversity amongst study areas that
issue the same degrees. At present, entrepreneurship is not part of the accreditation criteria.
However, there is an indirect link, as some of the criteria aim to develop general entrepreneurial
competencies such as creativity, problem solving, leadership, communication skills, and so on.
In some study areas, such as economics, engineering, etc., courses on entrepreneurship are
offered as electives or as inter-faculty courses. However, in a lot of other study areas, students
are not given the chance to follow entrepreneurial courses.
GEM results show that, relatively speaking, there are no other countries in Europe where there
are fewer people with a higher educational degree who are willing to start a venture. At the same
time, studies show that more highly educated people who create a venture will (due to the nature
of the firm) create more growth and employment than ventures established by people with less
education. That people with a higher education show limited interest in this area could be due to
l 16
the fact that they do not want to take financial risks, as there are plenty of jobs available to those
who have a marketable degree (most of the economics and engineering students have already
been offered a job before they have even graduated). Still, the fact that every year thousands
of higher education graduates follow a Syntra training programme to obtain an entrepreneurial
certificate could be an indication that even graduates of higher education do not feel prepared
for a career as an entrepreneur. The question is whether these low figures are the result of the
students’ attitudes or other (environmental) factors.
1.5 Policy and initiatives
Several initiatives towards start-ups and specific groups are being undertaken in the education
field and encouraged by the Flemish Government to increase entrepreneurial spirit and,
consequently, the number of newly founded companies. Policy makers and social partners are
convinced that culture and education are partly responsible for stimulating entrepreneurship.
Moreover, there is also noticeable activity in the field of education in Flanders. During the last
few years, the Flemish Government has regularly launched (directly or indirectly) new initiatives,
such as:
 Syntra-Vlaanderen: creation of the “Competento” database and website, which contains
information regarding entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial education.
 “Brugprojecten”: launched to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and internationalisation.
 Vlajo, including “mini-ondernemingen”
 “Leerondernemingen”: 10 in higher education and 15 in secondary education
 “Actieplan Ondernemend Onderwijs” which includes several initiatives (such as the “Ondernemersklasseweek”)
 “Ondernemende School” (UNIZO)
 “Accent op Talent”
 Development of new tools for teaching entrepreneurship
 Study on entrepreneurship education (under the authority of the “Koning Boudewijnstichting”)
 Flanders DC, including “Flanders DC Fellows” (50 Flemish entrepreneurs that travel to schools
to tell their story)
 And more.
In addition, professional and inter-professional organisations (such as UNIZO, VKW and VOKA)
have taken initiatives during the last few years: company visits, learning enterprises, development
of tools, … Organisations such as Vlajo, Dream, and NFTE have education and training explicitly
in their mission and are reaching hundreds of students, schools and other institutions.
There is also the will to increase contact between educational institutions and companies in
order to promote cooperation. In the long run, the impact of this policy development will make
entrepreneurial education more discussible within the institutions concerned.
l 17
1.6 Reasons for a study on how entrepreneurial Flemish students are?
Based on the information presented above, a number of conclusions can be drawn:
 The Flemish government is highly committed to developing a creative knowledge-based
economy. In a comparative analysis concerning the degree of creativity of nine economically
top regions, Flanders scores a total of 65.2%. This score is far lower than the front runners
(Baden-Württemberg and Maryland), but higher than regions such as Quebec and Lombardy.
Flanders scores significantly higher than the average of the nine regions (56.6%), earning
good points for openness and innovation. More problematic is the score for entrepreneurship
in Flanders: with 46.8%, it is not even close to the average of 52.1%. In this respect, Flanders
occupies seventh place out of the nine. (Bowen et al, 2006).
 There is a clear positive correlation between entrepreneurship and economic growth.
Moreover, there is a correlation between educational attainment and entrepreneurship (TEA).
However, Flanders is atypical in this respect: despite high educational attainment and a high
quality of education, Flanders has a low TEA.
 The Flemish government wishes to pursue an active policy regarding education and
entrepreneurship. As a result, a whole range of initiatives has been launched in Flanders with
the aim of stimulating entrepreneurship – especially for youngsters.
 High-potential entrepreneurship leads to knowledge-intensive and innovative new companies.
High-potential entrepreneurship is partly determined by the quality and quantity of human
and social capital. High-potential entrepreneurs generally have a higher education.
 The attention currently paid to entrepreneurship in Flanders’ universities and colleges is highly

2 methodology l 19
l 20
The 'International Survey on Collegiate Entrepreneurship 2006' was based on voluntary
cooperation among representatives from 14 different countries. The initiative arose as a result of
the efforts of the Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University
of St. Gallen and the KfW Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship at the European Business School.
This core team was responsible for developing the questionnaire, coordinating the international
efforts in conducting the survey, and publishing the findings of the study.
Each of the 14 countries had one representative (see Appendix 1), who was responsible for
contacting students in that country. The representatives were asked to email the link to the
questionnaire to as many students as possible, encouraging them to participate in the survey.
Prize draws amongst participants were used as an incentive in some countries, so as to increase
the students' participation in the survey. The survey itself was conducted via the Internet. On
completion of the survey, all data was processed by the core team and then provided to the
various national representatives in order to produce the national results.
2.1 Goals of the study
We intend to use the data of this survey to explain and discuss the intentions and behaviour
of students in higher education in their decision to start entrepreneurial activities and found
an enterprise. This study is driven by three questions that need to beanswered in order to
understand how institutions of higher education can support student entrepreneurship: What
are colleges and universities doing to support student entrepreneurship? What do their students
think the colleges and universities should do? and Is this different according to the area of
When constructing the conceptual model of this study, we first start by illustrating the Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) model, which shows the nature of the relationship between
entrepreneurship and economic growth (see Figure 6). The GEM model makes a distinction
between entrepreneurial opportunities and entrepreneurial capacity. What drives entrepreneurial
activity is the perception of entrepreneurial opportunities combined with the skills and motivation
to exploit them. When opportunities are joined with skills and motivation to pursue them, the
outcome is the creation of new firms and, inevitably, the destruction of some existing firms
(new firms frequently displace inefficient or outmoded existing firms). This process of “creative
destruction” is captured in the model by business churning. Despite its negative connotation,
creative destruction actually has a positive impact on economic growth, because declining
businesses are phased out as new start-ups competitively manoeuvre their way into the market.
These dynamic transactions occur within a particular context, which is referred to in the GEM
Model as Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions. These include variables such as: availability
of funding, governmental policies and programs designed to support start-ups, R&D transfer,
commercial infrastructure, education in general, education and training for entrepreneurship,
social and cultural norms, and internal market openness (Bygrave et al., 2001).
l 21
Figure 6 Framework of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
When focusing on the entrepreneurial framework conditions and, in particular, the role of
education, we obtain the research model used in our study (see Figure 7). The main focus
of this study is on entrepreneurship education, both perceived and desired. Perceived
entrepreneurship education concerns students’ perception of the entrepreneurial support that
colleges and universities provide. Universities can support entrepreneurship in many ways that
can be measured objectively. However, the extent to which they reach students is crucial to the
effectiveness of the support measures. A suitable way to measure this is to measure the students’
perceptions of the support measures. Desired entrepreneurship education concerns student
attitudes and preferences towards support measures and indicates the students’ opinions of
the way and the extent to which their universities should support entrepreneurship. Students’
opinions are an important indicator – but surely not the only one – for the direction colleges and
universities should take in their support of entrepreneurship.
Figure 7 Framework of this study
The uniqueness of this project is emphasized by the ability to compare the entrepreneurial intent
of students from higher education throughout different countries. The ability to compare the
educational ‘package’ with the degree of entrepreneurial intent is an opportunity to find national
best practices within entrepreneurial education. As the project is carried out on an international
level, the results from Flanders can be benchmarked against results from 13 other countries
worldwide (Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, Austria, Finland, Hungary,
Germany, Norway, France, Ireland, South Africa and Australia).
l 22
2.2 Significance of the study
The sample on which this study is based consists of 37,412 questionnaires for analysis, coming
from the 14 participating countries. The distribution across the various countries shows that
some distinctions can be made (see Table 1).
Table 1 Participating countries and response rate
Number of
Number of
Response rate
(in %)
Liechtenstein 1 570 200 35,09%
New Zealand 2 27353 7970 29,14%
Switzerland 26 55105 8825 16,01%
Singapore 1 3500 354 10,11%
Flanders 4 6954 657 9,45%
Belgium 5 21954 1612 7,34%
Austria 23 122600 8857 7,22%
Finland 8 45400 1566 3,45%
Hungary 8 100205 3346 3,34%
Germany 9 11474 3189 2,86%
Norway 6 38125 1086 2,85%
France 1 2500 67 2,68%
Ireland 4 37000 248 0,67%
South Africa 1 12600 25 0,20%
Australia 3 52536 67 0,13%
International 93 630922 37412 5,93%
The response rate for Belgium and Flanders is higher than the international average of 5.93%.
The population indicated in the third column relates to the number of universities effectively
questioned. These figures were obtained as a result of adding up the number of students
enrolled at the universities questioned for each country at the time the survey was held. This
means that not every university was questioned. The population therefore shifts accordingly
between 122.600 students in Austria and 570 students in Liechtenstein. The fourth column shows
the number of questionnaires that were completed in each country. The last column shows the
resulting response rates. The highest response rates were achieved in Liechtenstein (35.1%),
New Zealand (29.1%), and Switzerland (16.0%). The lowest response rates were obtained in
Australia (0.1%), South Africa (0.2%), and Ireland (0.7%). The international average is 5.93%.
l 23
Table 2 Structure of the samples by country
Country Academic Undergraduate / Graduate / Doctoral Full Part Average Male Female
year Bachelor Master program / time time age
(average) level level Ph D.
South Africa 3,68 1 2,0 84,0 4,0 96,0 4,0 22,9 60,0 40,0
Austria 3,64 40,2 52,8 7,0 74,7 25,3 25,3 47,7 52,3
Germany 3,23 42,9 52,9 4,2 96,9 3,1    24,0 48,7 51,3
Hungary 3,19 40,2 58,6 1 ,2 90,6 9,4 23,3 51,6 48,4
Ireland 3,11    91,5 6,1    2,4 95,6 4,4 23,8 48,0 52,0
Switzerland 3,10 56,4 34,9 8,7 84,4 1 5,6 24,8 62,8 37,2
Norway 3,06 30,5 67,2 2,3 97,2 2,8 24,4 60,0 40,0
New Zealand 2,91    84,1    11 ,4 4,5 93,7 6,3 22,8 46,8 53,2
Belgium 2,75 40,7 48,1 11,2 92,7 7,3 23,0 51,9 48,1
Flanders 2,56 42,0 53,3 4,7 91,0 9,0 23,3 56,8 43,2
Finland 2,48 79,4 20,2 0,4 85,8 1 4,2 25,5 48,3 51,7
Liechtenstein 2,31    67,5 31,5 1 ,0 65,0 35,0 26,3 71,5 28,5
Australia 2,28 97,0 0,0 3,0 79,1    20,9 23,2 44,8 55,2
Singapore 2,18 98,9 1 ,1    0,0 98,3 1 ,7 22,5 49,4 50,6
France 1 ,00 94,0 6,0 0,0 1 00,0 0,0 21,0 37,3 62,7
Total 3,15 56,2 38,1    5,7 86,6 1 3,4 24,2 52,2 47,8
In addition to a quantitative description of the sample, its internal structure must also be taken
into account. Table 2 therefore identifies five criteria in relation to the qualitative characteristics
of the sample. In the second column, we have calculated the average duration of the students'
course of study so far. The average number of study years is 3.15 years. For Belgium and
Flanders, this average is slightly lower, 2.75 and 2.56 respectively. The second criterion is the
stage of the course of study. 56.2% of all those questioned were Bachelor’s degree students or
an equivalent level, and 38.1% were Master’s degree students or equivalent level. The remaining
5.7% were engaged in obtaining their Ph.D. or equivalent degree. When looking at Belgium and
Flanders, there is apparently a higher percentage of Master’s students than the international
average. Furthermore, we also see a high percentage of Ph.D. students in Belgium (11.2%).
However, this score is extremely high, so we suspect that there is a bias towards Ph.D. students
because they might be more motivated to fill out the questionnaire. The third criterion relates to
the way in which the course of study is structured. 86.6% of all students questioned indicated
that they are in full-time education, whereas 13.4% stated that they are in part-time, or vocational,
education. If we examine the sample for Belgium and Flanders in this respect, then once again
we can see an over-representation of full-time students. In relation to the average age, which
is 24.2 internationally, the students in Belgium and Flanders appear to be somewhat younger,
averaging 23.0 and 23.3 years of age, respectively. The fourth criterion examines the division
of gender amongst the students. On an international level, 52.2% of the students are male. For
Belgium and Flanders, this percentage is 51.9% and 56.8% respectively.
l 24
Table 3 Main subject studied by students
Switzerland 24,2 5,3 11 ,4 1 0,9 11 ,2 6,9 4,1    26,0
Liechtenstein 74,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1 ,0 25,0
Germany 20,5 11 ,6 11 ,2 1 0,0 1 6,6 4,1    2,4 23,6
Austria 36,5 1 2,0 7,2 9,1    7,0 1 ,6 1 ,4 25,2
France 97,0 1 ,5 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1 ,5 0,0
Belgium 23,3 11,8 8,4 4,8 3,0 15,0 15,3 18,4
Flanders 27,7 9,6 3,8 2,7 0,3 7,3 33,9 14,6
Ireland 53,6 2,4 5,6 2,8 5,6 5,2 9,3 1 5,5
Finland 36,2 2,2 5,1    1 4,4 22,1    4,0 2,7 1 3,3
Norway 9,9 0,7 1 2,4 1 4,3 1 4,2 5,1    1 2,2 31,2
Hungary 30,3 5,1    7,1    1 6,3 8,6 0,7 1 6,7 1 5,2
New Zealand 11 ,1    1 7,3 1 3,4 5,7 6,0 1 2,9 6,1    27,5
Australia 68,7 1 ,5 0,0 0,0 1 ,5 0,0 11 ,9 1 6,4
South Africa 72,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 24,0 4,0
Singapore 63,0 6,8 0,0 1 ,7 0,0 0,0 1 2,7 1 5,8
Total 25,7 9,9 9,8 9,5 9,3 6,2 5,7 23,9
Another criterion is the composition of the national samples in relation to field of study (see Table
3). Here, we find large differences among the countries. This is a result of the questionnaire,
which, in some cases, was sent to the entire student population of the university/school of higher
education and, in other cases, to a particular faculty.
Notwithstanding small differences among the various countries in relation to the structure of the
samples, as well as the risks inherent to web-based questionnaires, we find that the significance
of this study’s findings is quite high, with the exception of France, Australia, and South Africa.
Therefore, we will not include these three countries in our analyses. Hence, most analyses in this
report are based on the total sample.
2.3 Sample and representativeness
The sample obtained from the survey in Belgium was drawn from six universities/institutions of
higher education in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia (see Table 4). The majority of the respondents,
i.e. 58.4%, were students of the University of Liège. Other participating universities were: the
University of Antwerp, which accounted for 17.7% of the respondents; Ghent University and
EHSAL, each accounting for 8.7% of our sample; and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School,
which accounted for 5.7% (or 92 students). The last 0.8 % of the sample was drawn from other
universities in Belgium.
Business administration
Social sciences
(psychology, sociology
and similar subjects
Natural sciences
Mathematical sciences
Mechanical and
electrical engineering
Medical sciences
and pharmaceutics
l 25
Table 4 At which university/technical college are you studying?
Percent Belgium Percent Flanders
University of Liège 58,4 -
University of Antwerp 1 7,7 43,4
Ghent University 8,7 21,3
EHSAL 8,7 21,3
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School 5,7 1 4,0
Others 0,8 -
Total 1 00 1 00
In this study, we will focus primarily on the region of Flanders and the Dutch-speaking student
population. Thus, we will only take into account the responses from the following four schools
of higher education: University of Antwerp, Ghent University, EHSAL and Vlerick Leuven Gent
Management School.
While the sample obtained is not representative of the entire student population of higher
education in Flanders and worldwide, the participation of the several highly regarded educational
institutions and the renowned project leaders has resulted in a stable basis from which we can
draw solid conclusions on both the national and the international levels.

l 28
The “International Survey on Collegiate Entrepreneurship 2006” was carried out at institutions of
higher education. Hence, it is also very important to examine the conditions at the institutional
level: the entrepreneurial environment at the institutions of higher education and the activities
students would like to see offered at their university/college.
3.1 Entrepreneurial environment
3.1.1 International comparison
Students were asked to rate their university in terms of entrepreneurial environment (see Figure
8). To this end, we used a scale ranging from 1 (very bad) to 6 (very good). The international
average showed that the entrepreneurial environment at universities was perceived as 'rather
good' (4.06). Overall, the national scores are above the neutral value of 3.5. Furthermore, the
differences are very small when compared internationally. The averages per country range
between 3.92 and 4.20. However, it is quite remarkable that the entrepreneurial environment at
the institutions of higher education in Belgium and Flanders score the lowest (3.92 and 3.94) of
all participating countries.
Figure 8 How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your university/
college? (1 = very bad; 6 = very good)
The entrepreneurial environment can be easily explained by examining the diagram below
(see Figure 9). This figure shows the number of students who believe that no entrepreneurshiprelated
courses are offered at their university/college. Students were surveyed across all study
disciplines. Compared internationally, we can see that the availability of such courses is very
much below the average in Belgium and Flanders.
l 29
Figure 9 No entrepreneurship-related courses offered
Even when entrepreneurship-related courses are offered by the universities, the students do not
necessarily attend them. Figure 10 shows the percentage of students who do not attend any
entrepreneurship-related courses, even though such courses are available at their universities.
When compared internationally, 57% of the students in Flanders tend not to take such courses.
However, we do note that the international average for non-attendance is even higher, at a rate
of 71.4 %.
Figure 10 Non-attendance of entrepreneurship-related courses
3.1.2 Detailed results for Flanders
Traditionally, the higher educational system has great freedom in organising and planning its
curricula. Thus, there could be large differences amongst the various universities/colleges that
still grant the same diploma. Therefore, in addition to an international comparison of Flanders,
l 30
it is also interesting to compare the results of the institutions of higher education amongst
Figure 11    How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your university/
college? Results compared amongst institutions of higher education (only economics
and business administration students) (1 = very bad; 6 = very good)
Figure 11 shows the mean value of the Flemish institutions of higher education for the question:
“How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your university/college?”
This figure focuses on students studying economics and business administration. Figure 11
shows that the differences among Flemish institutions (3.75 to 4.55, or a difference of 0.8) are
larger than the differences amongst the countries surveyed (3.92 to 4.2 or a difference of 0.28;
with the exception of Liechtenstein). Both Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School and EHSAL
score significantly higher than Ghent University and the University of Antwerp (Vlerick’s score is
comparable to the highest international score: 4.59 for Liechtenstein). Ghent University brings
up the rear with an average score of 3.748.
Figure 12 How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your university/
college? Results compared amongst study areas (1 = very bad; 6 = very good)
l 31
In addition to differences amongst the institutions of higher education, there could also be
differences amongst study areas. Consequently, we compared the results for the question
“How do you judge the climate and premises for starting a business at your university/college?”
between students studying economics & business administration and students in other study
areas (see Figure 12). Apparently, the entrepreneurial culture within economics & business
administration is significantly more developed than the entrepreneurial culture within other study
areas. This is quite likely the result of the recently increased attention paid to entrepreneurship
in those study areas that wish to prepare their students for business life. Such study areas
frequently have more students with a family background in entrepreneurship, which often causes
greater interest in a more entrepreneurially oriented education. On the other hand, in other study
areas that also attract large numbers of students (e.g. law, exact sciences, medical sciences,
…), entrepreneurship is rarely offered at all. The majority of students in these areas of study are
not in touch with the operation of companies to the same degree. Furthermore, many faculties
in these other areas are wary of introducing entrepreneurial education, as they prefer to keep
business life and professional life separate.
3.2 Activities students would like to see offered at universities
Finally, the students were asked what activities they would like to see offered by their universities,
as well as any other sources of support, that would help them establish their own business
during their studies, or immediately after graduation. The international average shows that most
students would like to see coaching courses on offer, followed by general business-oriented
seminars and lectures and business plan seminars (see Figure 13). The results for Flanders
are in line with the international findings: for Flanders as well, the entrepreneurial support that
the students want most is coaching for the start-up of their own business. This is followed by
business plan seminars and business games for launching a business.
l 32
Figure 13 Support students would like to see offered at universities
4 entrepreneurial activities and goals l 33
l 34
4.1 Students’ professional expectations
4.1.1 International comparison
When we compare the countries, there is considerable variation in the students' expectations
with respect to becoming an entrepreneur. Table 5 ranks the countries according to the students'
expectations of becoming an entrepreneur. The percentages are based on the total sample.
These rankings show that the entrepreneurial expectations for students in Flanders are quite
high. In fact, for the “within 5 years after graduation” category, Belgium scores the highest of
all participating countries (16.6%), while Flanders ranks fourth with 15.1%. The international
average stands at 12.2%. After more than 5 years after graduation, when students have obtained
some experience on the labour market, 44.7% of Belgian students and 40.8% of Flemish students
expect to have an entrepreneurial position. Here, the international average stands at 34.8%. For
purposes of comparison, we have included the countries’ Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA),
which indicates the percentage of adults (from 18 to 64 years old) in the total population who are
either actively involved in starting a new business or are managing a business that is younger
than 42 months old.
Table 5 Rankings of expected entrepreneurial position
Immediately after graduation After a few years of work experience Total Entrepreneurial Activity
(< 5 years) (> 5 years) (TEA)
Country value in % rank Country value in % rank Country value in % rank
Belgium 16,6 1 Singapore 46,9 1    Norway 9,14 1
Hungary 1 6 2 Ireland 44,8 2 Ireland 7,35 2
Ireland 1 5,7 3 Belgium 44,7 3 Hungary 6,04 3
Flanders 15,1 4 Flanders 40,8 4 Finland 4,99 4
Austria 1 4,2 5 Liechtenstein 37,5 5 Singapore 4,85 5
Liechtenstein 1 3 6 New Zealand 37,4 6 Germany 4,21    6
New Zealand 1 2,6 7 Hungary 35,7 7 Flanders 3,05 7
Singapore 1 2,4 8 Austria 35,5 8 Belgium 2,73 8
Norway 1 2,2 9 Norway 34 9 Singapore n.a. n.a.
Finland 9,8 1 0 Switzerland 32,5 1 0 Liechtenstein n.a. n.a.
Switzerland 9,5 11    Finland 29,2 11    New Zealand n.a. n.a.
Germany 8 1 2 Germany 26,8 1 2 Austria n.a. n.a.
International 1 2,2 International 34,8 Switzerland n.a. n.a.
For more detailed information, see Figure 14. Besides showing the students' expectations of
becoming an entrepreneur, Figure 14 also shows the students’ expectations of becoming an
employee and their preference for starting their family life.
l 35
Figure 14 Activities after graduation
4.1.2 Detailed results for Flanders
The aims of students in relation to their professional expectations can be quite diverse. At the
same time, however, it must also be said that the first job that students obtain following graduation
does not necessarily correspond with their job status after several years. We can assume that
many students view their first job after graduation as a matter of finding their way around the job
market as well as a first step towards further training and education. As a result, we distinguish
between two question categories in Figure 15. In the first category, we asked students what their
job expectations were for the first 5 years following graduation (< 5 years). The second category
relates to the time after the students' first professional occupations (> 5 years after graduation).
l 36
Figure 15 Average of job expectations following graduation in Flanders
As Figure 15 shows, the Flemish averages for students who intend to enter the job market
after graduation are as follows: entry into a large company (22.2%), a medium-sized company
(15.07%), or a small company (9.59%). Students also view public service (7.61%) and research
(6.54%) as important activities. This overview clearly shows that two-thirds of the students expect
their first job to be in the employ of someone else (total = 63.16%). In addition, 18.26% of the
students surveyed were unable to state their preferences.
Still, potential job aims also include (albeit in a small way) wanting to become an entrepreneur.
These ranged from participating in a business, to taking over a business, to establishing a
business of one’s own. A total of 15.06 % of all students surveyed expressed the intention of
entering the job market following graduation as entrepreneurs. This percentage includes a range
of variations: e.g., establishing a business, participating in a business, taking over a family
Definition: micro-enterprise = 1-9 employees; small enterprise = 10-49 employees; medium-sized enterprise =
50-249 employees, large company = more than 250 employees; SME = small and medium-sized companies =
l 37
business, or opening a franchise. On the other hand, the remaining 3.5% wanted to start a family
or to continue with their family lives.
As can be expected, students' professional expectations change over time. For example, more
students intend to become an entrepreneur after having gained several years of professional
experience than those who intend to do so directly after graduation. In this context, establishing
a business (19.09%) is accorded the highest preference. This option is preferred to a job in
someone else's employment (i.e., in small and medium-sized businesses or large companies).
Finally, there is no significant increase in the number of students who still have no specific job
expectations after their first few years in a professional position.
4.2 Current entrepreneurial activities and intentions of students
4.2.1 International comparison
Figure 16 shows students across all disciplines and their possible intention to start a business.
When compared internationally, an average of 3.2% of all of the students have already established
a business. This group can be divided into 2.0% of students who are still actively involved in
the business, and 1.2% who are no longer actively involved in the business, even though they
created it. These entrepreneurial activities are examined in more detail in Chapter 4.3. Amongst
the group of countries surveyed, Flanders (2.0%) and Belgium (1.4%), appear at the bottom.
Figure 16 Entrepreneurial activities and intentions of all students
l 38
The large majority of students have still not established a business. First, we considered all
students across all disciplines (see also Figure 16). Compared internationally, 22.3% of all
students indicate that they have never considered becoming an entrepreneur. With 26.2% for
this category, Belgium occupies third place in the list of countries. This means that 1 out of 4 of
the students surveyed in these countries has no entrepreneurial potential.
The other 3 out of 4 students in the study (74.5% international average) would like to establish
a business in the near, or not so near, future − or at least they have considered doing so. This
issue, and more detailed results for Belgium and Flanders, are examined in Chapter 4.4.
4.2.2 Detailed results for Flanders
Table 6 compares the entrepreneurial intentions and activities of economics and business
administration students with students from other fields of study. This table shows that a higher
percentage (29.76%) of students in other study areas have never even thought about the
possibility of starting up their own entrepreneurial enterprise. These results are in line with
the conclusions drawn in Figure 12, where it was stated that the entrepreneurial environment
for economics and business administration students scores significantly higher than the
entrepreneurial environment for students studying other disciplines. Furthermore, 13.09% of
economics and business administration students are bound and determined to start their own
business, compared to 4.76% of students in other study areas.
Table 6 Have you personally ever thought concretely about building up your own entrepreneurial
enterprise (i.e. being self-employed)?
Economics & Other study Total
business areas
no, never 1 7,04% 29,76% 21,92%
yes, sketchily 44,69% 38,49% 42,31%
yes, rather concretely 1 3,33% 1 6,67% 1 4,61%
yes, but I turned away from it 6,67% 6,75% 6,70%
yes, I am bound and determined to be self-employed 1 3,09% 4,76% 9,89%
yes, I have already taken the first steps 2,72% 2,38% 2,59%
yes, I am already self-employed 1 ,73% 1 ,19% 1 ,52%
yes, I was self-employed, but I am not any longer 0,74% 0,00% 0,46%
Total 1 00% 1 00% 1 00%
l 39
4.3 Businesses established by students
Establishing a business may be advantageous, but the added value it implies is often questioned
at the societal level. Therefore, we will now take a closer look at businesses already established
by students (see Table 7). It is important to note, however, that the significance of some of
the findings needs to be treated with caution, in particular for countries such as Liechtenstein,
Singapore, Ireland, and Belgium, since the sample size for these countries is too small. Data for
France, South Africa, and Australia were not analysed.
Table 7 Businesses established by students (* = findings need to be treated with caution)
Country n = rate of founded … number of number of average age
founders years ago employees founders of founders
Liechtenstein* 1 4 7 4,2 2,5 2,8 31,9
Singapore* 1 7 4,8 2,5 2,4 2,3 24,1
Austria 424 4,7 5 4,1    1 ,6 30,8
Finland 68 4,4 5,2 1 ,8 1 ,6 29,1
New Zealand 260 3,3 5,3 4,1    1 ,8 30,6
Ireland* 8 3,2 8,2 1 ,3 2,4 35,3
Norway 31    2,8 4,4 2,0 1 ,8 28,9
Germany 84 2,7 3,3 1 ,9 1 ,8 26
Hungary 81    2,4 3,6 3,9 2 27,9
Switzerland 210 2,4 4,4 4,1    2,3 28,2
Flanders* 13 2,0 7,0 4,1 2,1 30,4
Belgium* 22 1,4 7,1 4,3 2,1 29,8
International 1 224 3,2 4,8 3,7 1 ,9 29,6
As mentioned previously, the international average percentage for establishing a business was
3.2%. On average, such businesses were established 4.8 years ago. With regard to the average
age of the students at the time they established their business (29.6 years), we can see that
it is significantly higher than the average age of all students (24.2 years). This leads to the
conclusion that such businesses were either established very early on during their studies or that
the students established their business prior to commencing their studies.
Findings for Belgium and Flanders are not discussed here, as the samples for these regions are
too small to draw solid conclusions.
l 40
Figure 17 Partners of business founders (indications in %, multiple options possible)
In addition, we also asked business founders where members of their team were drawn from
at the time they established their business, allowing for multiple answers (see Figure 17). Since
the amount of data collected for most countries is too small, we have not provided an analysis
or commentary at the international level. Compared internationally, students who formed an
entrepreneurial team to establish a business in Flanders drew people mostly from their circle of
friends (29.8%) and from their own university/college (25%).
4.4 Intention of students to establish a business
4.4.1 Activities in relation to establishing a business
Following the previous closer examination of students who have already established a business,
we will now turn to potential founders of businesses. The key focus for this analysis is on all those
students who have at least considered establishing a business (see also Chapter 3.2). In order to
identify how serious these students are in this regard, we asked a series of questions regarding
potential steps that could lead to establishing a business, allowing for multiple answers.
l 41
The international average showed that 47.2% of all students had not yet carried out any specific
steps to establish a business (see Figure 18). This means that, although the students had
already thought of establishing a business, half of them had not taken any serious steps towards
becoming entrepreneurs. Compared internationally, Flanders (51.1%), occupies third place.
This means that Flemish students are amongst the least likely to establish their own business,
although they have considered it.
Figure 18 Students taking no specific steps to establish a business
In addition to non-binding contemplation of the topic in general, the first thing that can lead
to establishing a business is the gathering of information (see Figure 19). Another significant
number of students (46.3%) indicate that they have at least thought carefully about their initial
business ideas. A significantly smaller percentage of students have put such considerations
into writing (14.2%). Accordingly, 13.1% of all students gathered information that specifically
related to establishing a business, and 6.9% indicate that they have attended one or more
events inside or outside the university in relation to establishing a business. Once again, we can
see that, when compared internationally, the students from Flanders sit on the lowest rung of the
ladder. However, when the activities are compared, the results for Flanders are proportionally
comparable to the international results.
l 42
Figure 19 Information gathering for establishing a business
Finally, there are the ‘preparatory activities’, which point specifically, and in a goal-oriented way,
to the intention of establishing a business (see Figure 20). These activities refer to the availability
of prototypes of products or services (5.0%), preparation of a business plan (7.4%), talks with
possible sources of financial support (3.7%), and/or agreeing on specific time lines in relation to
establishing the business (1.7%). Compared internationally, Flanders is in second-to-last place.
l 43
Figure 20 Preparatory steps for establishing a business
We can conclude that only a small percentage of students who intend to establish their own
business have taken any concrete steps in that direction with a specific time frame in mind. This
is certainly the case for Flanders, as it usually scores at the lower end of all of the participating
4.4.2 Possible time frame for establishing a business
We also asked potential business founders about the potential time frame for establishing their
business (see Figure 21). Compared internationally, for 11.1% of those surveyed this matter has
already become an issue during their studies. For 5.1% of the students, this is an issue to be
considered after graduation. About half (53.1%) of the potential business founders make the
conscious decision to first obtain several years of professional experience prior to taking steps to
establish their own business. This corresponds with our analysis in Chapter 3.1. Almost one-third
of all students (30.7%) remain uncertain as to when to establish their own business.
l 44
Figure 21 Time frame for establishing a business
Compared internationally, we see that a rather low percentage of students in Belgium (7.5%)
indicate that they want to establish a business during their studies. For Flanders, this percentage
comes to 10.3%, which is almost the same as the international average. The differences are
smaller with regard to students establishing their own business immediately following graduation,
where Flanders shows a percentage of 4.7%. The percentage of Flemish students that wish to
establish a business after some years of work experience (49.3%) is lower than the international
average (53.1%). Furthermore, more than one third of the Flemish students claim that they don’t
yet know when they will establish their business.
4.4.3 Details of potential business establishments
As we did above with the already established businesses, we will now examine potential business
formations in more detail (see Table 8). The analysis per sector shows that an insignificantly
small percentage of students (1.4%) intends to become active in the primary sector (agriculture,
hunting, fishing, forestry, and mining). 22.3% of the potential business founders are interested
in starting a business in the secondary sector. As expected, the tertiary sector (75.4%) is the
predominant area for entrepreneurial activity. The most important industries within the tertiary
sector once again include the provision of company-related services (15%) and communication
l 45
(10%), followed by the health and social sectors (11%) and the provision of social or personal
services (10%). Comparing the various countries, not many significant distinctions can be
identified. However, one noteworthy finding is that Flanders shows one of the highest interests in
the tertiary sector (81%).
Table 8 Potential business formations by students
Country n = 1 . Sector 2. Sector 3. Sector with number of
experience founders
Liechtenstein 1 67 1 ,2% 1 5,6% 82,2% 0,0% 2,1
Singapore * 303 0,7% 1 8,8% 80,5% 1 3,2% 2,5
Austria 6800 1 ,5% 1 9,5% 79,0% 34,0% 2,0
Finland 111 2 1 ,9% 30,5% 67,6% 49,5% 2,0
New Zealand 6028 4,1% 1 9,4% 76,5% 26,5% 2,1
Ireland * 1 95 1 ,5% 20,5% 77,9% 46,8% 2,1
Norway 752 7,5% 42,7% 49,8% 23,2% 2,2
Germany 2277 1 ,3% 25,4% 73,2% 23,8% 2,1
Hungary 2352 2,6% 21,4% 76,0% 23,5% 2,4
Switzerland 6601    1 ,4% 24,3% 74,3% 36,0% 2,3
Belgium 11 67 3,5% 1 8,5% 78,0% 29,8% 2,1
Flanders 500 0,8% 1 8,0% 81,0% 23,0% 2,1
International 72885 1 ,4% 22,3% 75,4% 30,7% 2,2
Almost one-third of the potential business founders indicated that they already have professional
experience in their preferred sector. The results for Flanders are significantly lower than the
international average: ‘only’ 23% of the potential Flemish business founders in this study have
practical experience in the industry in which they would want to start a business.
The persons surveyed indicated that the average size of the team desired to establish a business
is 2.2 persons. This international average is comparable to the desired team size for Flanders (2.1
persons). Closer examination reveals that cooperation across several universities rates lowest for
potential business founders (see also Figure 22). For around 10% of potential Flemish business
founders, partners should come from other universities. The percentage of students who want
to establish a business solely on their own is quite low as well at 23.6% (while the international
average is even lower at 19.0%). As we saw with actual business founders, potential business
founders prefer to involve persons from their own immediate circle of friends or acquaintances,
followed by persons from their own university.
l 46
Figure 22 Partners for potential business founders (indications in %, multiple options possible)
5 obstacles to establishing a busines l 47
l 48
5.1 International comparison
The process of establishing a business may present a number of difficulties. For this reason, we
asked the students what types of obstacles they might encounter and how they would rate those
obstacles on a scale. Using a factor analysis and reliability test, we have identified three factors
for further analysis. We will consider these factors as obstacles in what follows.
The first factor/obstacle may be referred to as 'economic conditions'. This factor includes the
business environment and the economic situation. The second factor can be labelled 'financial
resources', which includes: lack of private capital, lack of foreign capital, and personal financial
risk. The third factor − 'personal engagement' − comprises: lack of courage, fear of failure, and
lack of a good business idea.
Thus, we have defined three potential factors, in three different areas, which may have an effect
on whether or not students decide to establish a business. The first area deals with an assessment
of the economic conditions, which involves the environment in which the business is, or will be,
established. The financial perspective provides an essential overview of the capital resources
and relates to the financial strength of the business (to be) established. The last factor relates to
the particular person who decides to establish a business and serves as a reference point for
the (potential) business founder’s entrepreneurial potential and ability to handle risk. These three
factors are represented in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Obstacles compared internationally
l 49
Compared internationally, we can see that financial resources are viewed as the biggest
obstacle in all countries, ahead of personal engagement and economic conditions. However,
in comparison to the other participating countries, the lack of financial resources is seen as
a relatively minor obstacle in Flanders. Flanders’ score of 3.97 is significantly lower than the
international average of 4.38. At the same time, we can observe a weak − but highly significant
− negative correlation between the students' potential to establish their own business and
financial resources (correlation = -.132**). This means that the more the students regard access
to finances as an obstacle, the less potential they have to establish their own business.
When looking at personal engagement − such as the lack of courage or the lack of business
ideas − the results for Flanders (3.74) are only slightly lower than the international average of
3.94. Here too, we find a weak, but highly significant, negative correlation between the students'
personal engagement and their potential to establish their own business (correlation = -.193**).
This means that the less the students perceive themselves as an obstacle, the higher their
potential to establish their own business. On the basis of these findings, we can conclude that
personal characteristics are the most important factor in establishing a business. However, the
effect on an individual basis is still relatively small for it to be the sole factor in explaining the
entrepreneurial potential of students at the international level.
With regard to economical environment, students wanting to establish their own business seem
to find it the least obstacle. The score for Flanders (3.29) is quite good in comparison to the
international average of 3.47. There is even less of a correlation between the students' potential
to establish their own business and economic conditions (correlation = -0.107**). This correlation
means that the less economic conditions are seen as an obstacle, the more likely it is (albeit only
to a small degree) that the students’ entrepreneurial potential will develop.
5.2 Detailed results for Flanders
The detailed results for the obstacles to establishing a business in Flanders are shown in Figure
24. This figure illustrates that the personal financial risk and the lack of a good business idea
are seen as the main obstacles. This is in line with what was mentioned previously, i.e. that most
students perceived taking personal financial risks as the biggest obstacle.
l 50
Figure 24 Obstacles to establishing a business in Flanders (6 = very significant obstacle,
1 = very insignificant obstacle)
Figure 25 examines the obstacles to starting a business across study areas. In general, economics
and business administration students perceive most of these items as less of an obstacle. The
largest differences between economic & business administration students and students from
other study areas are for the following variables: lack of entrepreneurial skills and the economic
cycle. This indicates that students studying economics & business administration are more selfconfident
about their skills as potential entrepreneurs. Furthermore, they perceive the economic
cycle as less of an obstacle, as they have more insight into the economic environment and
therefore might feel they can anticipate it better.
l 51
Figure 25 Obstacles to establishing a business compared amongst study areas

6 conclusions l 53
l 54
6.1 Important findings of this study
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intent are generally considered to be important prerequisites
for economic growth and social welfare. However, the GEM results show that scores for Flanders
are not encouraging in this regard. In fact, during the year 2006, Flanders even occupied last
place amongst all 49 participating countries worldwide in the area of Total Entrepreneurial Activity
(TEA). On the supposition that entrepreneurs are not born but made − studies have shown
that people who have had entrepreneurship education have twice the likelihood of starting a
company − it is crucial to encourage entrepreneurship on the individual level.
In the “Green Paper on Entrepreneurship in Europe”, the European Commission reports the
following finding: From the GEM survey, it has become clear that there exists a two to seven times
larger chance that people who have faith in their own skills and experience become involved at
starting a new venture; for those who know someone who has recently started a company, the
chance is three to four times larger. (…) The educational system can ensure both the skills and
the familiarisation with entrepreneurship as a contribution to stimulating entrepreneurship.
While the sample we report on is not representative for the entire student population in Flanders
or worldwide, the participation of the various educational institutions and the (sub) project
leaders has given us a stable basis from which we can draw solid conclusions on a national and
international level.
One of the most important questions in this survey concerned the perceived entrepreneurial
environment at the institutions of higher education. The differences among countries are quite
large, with Flanders bringing up the rear (3.94 out of a maximum score of 6). When reviewing
the results at the institutional level, both Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School and EHSAL
score significantly better than Ghent University and the University of Antwerp. The low scores for
Flanders in general, and for some of the institutions of higher education, are probably the result
of the fact that the number of entrepreneurship courses offered at these universities and colleges
is low. An important finding is that the differences amongst the institutions in Flanders are larger
than the differences amongst the European countries (with the exception of Liechtenstein).
Furthermore, the question of quality and attractiveness arises: even when these courses are
offered, 57% of the Flemish students tend not to attend them. While the students think that the
entrepreneurial environment is not optimal in Flanders, all of the students in our study have
indicated their preferences of what they would like to see offered at their university/college
concerning entrepreneurship support. In Flanders, the most favoured choices are coaching for
the start-up of a business, followed by business plan seminars and business games for starting
a business.
The professional expectations of Flemish students for having an entrepreneurial position are quite
high. When it comes to the students’ professional expectations immediately after graduation,
Flanders ranks 4th out of the 11 countries surveyed. This indicates that the entrepreneurial
intent of Flemish students is quite high: i.e., 15.1% while the international average lies at 12.2%.
However, the majority of the students (63.2%) expect to be employed by someone else at first.
l 55
Then, “after some years of work experience” (more than five years), Flanders again ranks 4th out
of the 11 countries in entrepreneurial intent. However, the proportion is now much higher: 40.8%
while the international average lies at 34.8%. While these results might be promising, the actual
number of companies that are founded by Flemish students during their studies is low (2% of the
Flemish sample state that they have already founded a business, while the international average
is 3.2%). As expected, the entrepreneurial intent of economics & business students seems to be
higher than that of students in other areas of study. More specifically, 13.09% of the economics
and business administration students claim that they are “bound and determined to become
When focusing on potential business founders, students in Flanders are among the least likely
to establish a business, although they have considered it. 10.3% of the potential business
founders wish to establish a business while still studying, whereas 4.7% aim to do this directly
after graduation. The majority of Flemish students (81%) would like to start their business in
tertiary industry; and the preferred partners for starting a business are people within the students’
personal circle of friends and people from their own university/college.
The hurdles that would keep most students from starting a business are, in order of importance:
lack of capital resources, lack of personal engagement and the economic environment. More
specifically, the personal risk and lack of the right business idea seem to be the most significant
obstacles. The order of importance is comparable throughout the participating countries. A
positive note is that these hurdles are found to be less of a problem in Flanders than internationally.
Furthermore, economics and business administration students perceive most of these hurdles
as less of an obstacle. More specifically, these students seem to be more self-confident about
their skills as potential entrepreneurs.
These results indicate that we must not limit ourselves to answering the question: How
entrepreneurial are our Flemish students? It is also crucial to question and examine: How
entrepreneurial are the educational institutions in Flanders? and How entrepreneurial is the
educational environment at these institutions?
6.2 What can be done?
Institutions of higher education are well-placed to assist in the development of entrepreneurship
− i.e., to help those students with entrepreneurial intentions to find and use appropriate facilities
and resources. This research project indicates that there is a lot of room for improvement in
stimulating entrepreneurship at universities and colleges. Entrepreneurship support should be
part of the university or college curricula − not only for economics and business students, but for
students in all fields of study.
Student entrepreneurs at differing stages of commitment and planning are asking for targeted
assistance. In the early stages of commitment, colleges and universities can give educational
support to entrepreneurship. This type of support is part of their role as educational institutions.
Universities can teach students the general knowledge and skills that are needed to start a
company. They can do so in the form of courses, business games, etc. During the later stages of
l 56
commitment, colleges and universities could also provide more targeted and specific support.
This type of support − which moves away from the traditional teaching role of colleges and
universities − can entail providing individual students or groups of students with the support they
need to develop their own firm (e.g., business plan seminars and (personal) coaching).
As the results of this study show that some institutions of higher education have a more
entrepreneurial climate than others, we suggest that structural attention be devoted to the
coordination of actions in the educational system. Joint advice and general action plans for the
institutions of higher education could be suggested. Then, policy makers have the responsibility
to choose the appropriate actions and to coordinate these actions.
Direct contacts with entrepreneurs (via company visits, for example) should be encouraged
to give students and teachers a better idea of how a company works. Also, there is a need for
more efficient and better structured relationships between universities/colleges and industry for
mentoring and internships.
Furthermore, one can question whether the faculty and staff have the necessary expertise to
teach the students in this field of entrepreneurship. Is there sufficient conviction regarding the
need to encourage entrepreneurship in students? Is there the necessary enthusiasm to excite
students about the possibility of becoming entrepreneurs? Specific training courses could be
developed to provide faculty and staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach students
in the specialised area of entrepreneurship.
A final suggestion is to continue to monitor entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial needs at the
institutions of higher education (the next international survey on collegiate entrepreneurship is
planned for 2008). Such longitudinal studies should also measure the effects of (the various
forms of) entrepreneurial education on the establishment of new businesses.
l 57
Bowen, H., Moesen, W., Sleuwaegen, L. (2006). A Composite Index of the Creative Economy
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Bygrave, W. D., Hay, M., Lopez-Garcia, P., Reynolds, P. D. (2001) The Global Entrepreneurship
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Clarysse, B., Crijns, H., Knockaert, M., Manigart, S., Meuleman, M., Van Acker, T., Vermeulen,
S. (2006). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Rapport voor België & Vlaanderen. Vlerick Leuven
Gent Management School.
De Clercq, D., Manigart, S., Clarysse, B., Crijns, H., De Sutter, M. and Verzele, F. (2002). Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor: Regionaal rapport voor Vlaanderen. Vlerick Leuven Gent Management
European Commission (September 2001). Flash Eurobarometer 107: Entrepreneurship.
European Commission (2003). Green Paper on Entrepreneurship in Europe. Enterprise
Directorate-General (Document based on COM(2003) 27 final). Luxembourg.
Fueglistaller, U., Klandt H. and Halter, F. (2006). International Survey on Collegiate Entrepreneurship.
Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
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l 60
Appendix 1: Framework of ISCE 2006
l 61
Appendix 2 Family-Background
One of the socio-demographic factors that was examined is whether or not the respondents had
grown up in an entrepreneurial family (i.e. their father and/or mother were self-employed).
Figure 26 presents the results of this question.
Figure 26 Did you grow up in an entrepreneurial family?
As Figure 26 indicates, the majority of the respondents (61.3%) have parents who have never
been self-employed, and the remaining 38.7% have parents who either have been, or are still, selfemployed.
Not having entrepreneurial parents does not preclude potential entrepreneurs from
establishing a business in the future; however, having entrepreneurial parents does take potential
entrepreneurs aware of the demands of running and operating a business. Interestingly, of those
parents who established a business (38.7%), some 12.1% have since closed the business.
Whereas the previous figure illustrates how many students come from an entrepreneurial family,
Figure 27 shows whether their feelings were positive or negative regarding their family business.
A total of 253 respondents answered this question.
l 62
Figure 27 The feelings they connect with their family business
Figure 27 indicates that 79.4% of the respondents have positive feelings about their family
business, and 20.6% of the espondents have negative feelings.
Knowledge partner
ISBN-NUMMER : 9789078858072
EAN: 9789078858072